You will receive an email and an sms on order confirmation. Please contact our helpdesk ( or 7827744537) if you are unsure.
We normally ship all orders within 2 business days. Final delivery time will vary based on location.
Transit and delivery time may vary depending on your location and the ordered items. You can check estimated delivery time for your pincode on any product page.
Free shipping on all orders above Rs.999. An additional charge of Rs. 30 will be levied on orders below that for normal courier and Rs 60 for Cod.
An email is sent to you after the order is shipped. It contains the tracking number and details of the service provider.
If you are having trouble reading the emails or if you haven’t received any updates, please get in touch with our Helpdesk immediately. Drop us an email at or give us a call at 7827744537(10 AM – 6 PM, Monday to Saturday).
We get it. Our products are simply awesome and buying one is just not enough. You can place bulk orders by visiting us at the customization page or by contacting us via or just call us at 7827744537 (10 AM – 6 PM, Monday to Saturday).
We do offer customization of products- Minimum order query-100pcs.
I have received a damaged product, what should I do?
In the event that you receive a damaged product, please initiate a return or reach out to us at and we will resolve the issue to your satisfaction.